The Perfect Deal

An older man and woman sitting on stone steps smiling.

After nearly two decades Bob and Penny Tyson hang up their fork and gloves. For 17 years the couple volunteered for the Friends of Deal Island. Although they will be slowing down, Bob and Penny’s legacy blazed the trail for those who follow in their footsteps. Deal Island is the largest of Tasmania’s Kent Group […]

Braving dire West Coast weather forecasts – FoOBP Autumn Survey 2021

On a wet afternoon in early April, eleven volunteers from Friends of the Orange-bellied Parrot met in Strahan to take part in a survey in hopes of finding some Orange-bellied Parrots (OBPs) along their northern migration path. The critically endangered OBPs breed at Melaleuca in Tasmania’s far south west over the summer. During autumn, the […]

Friends of Melaleuca – March Working Bee

Thank you, Wildcare Tasmania, for supporting Friends of Melaleuca’s March working bee. A $2000 grant assisted volunteer flights to Melaleuca and contributed to the annual freight-in/rubbish-out boat trip organised by Tas PWS. In this place where no roads go, these are Friends of Melaleuca’s greatest costs. Rubbish removal is a problem at Melaleuca because of […]

Impressions from a new volunteer

IMPRESSIONS FROM A NEW VOLUNTEER Photos and story by Glenn Butterworth From the moment our light plane circled over the gleaming white gravel runway, I was in awe of the mountainous landscape around us and knew this was going to be a very special experience. I didn’t know what to expect or what I’d be […]

Looking after Lillico penguins

Wildcare’s Friends of Lillico Penguins (FOLP) assist the Parks and Wildlife Service by supervising visitors to the Penguin viewing platform at Lillico EVERY SINGLE NIGHT throughout the penguins’ breeding season. That’s from late September to early the following April! The volunteer guides interpret the wildlife through talks, question and answer sessions as well as recording […]

Thank you Annika!

Annika loves koalas. And while she knows that koalas are not native to Tasmania, she was delighted recently, to visit one at Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary. When Annika turned six, she had a party – as one does! And in an outstanding act of generosity – instead of gifts, Annika asked for gold coin donations towards […]

Sea Spurge Remote Area Teams achieving results

WILDCARE SPRATS Sea sPurge Remote Area TeamS! The Wildcare group, Sea sPurge Remote Area TeamS (SPRATS), is a self-managing group of volunteers working in partnership with the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS). For the last 15 years the group’s main objective has been to control and if possible eradicate the ecosystem-transforming weeds sea spurge […]

Gorse Removal on Schouten Island

Friends of Freycinet

  December 2020 saw 8 intrepid members of Friends of Freycinet head to Schouten Island for their annual working bee to tackle the removal of gorse and periwinkle on the island. Volunteers fully support themselves on the island for a period of 7 days and spend their time weeding gorse in the known areas as […]

Devils Throne Track Completed

There is now a new track from Thark Ridge to Devils Throne. On reaching the prominent saddle on Thark Ridge the new track is some 50 metres further south, where it then heads west for 730 metres to join the existing track to Devils Throne. The new track is a safer walk and with a […]

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