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Care for Tasmania's wild places, wildlife & cultural heritage

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About Us

Wildcare Tasmania is a community of volunteers and donors caring for Tasmania's wild places, wildlife and cultural heritage. Wildcare has almost 60 volunteer groups that members can join.

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We offer inspiring opportunities in beautiful places, working in close partnership with the Tasmanian Government, councils, and private landowners.

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Wildcare Groups

Browse the groups below and sign up to their email list by clicking 'Join this Group'. Join as many groups as you like, it's a great way to find out about opportunities, impact and stories.

Islands - 76 Members

WILDCARE Friends of Fisher Island

We are a group that has a central and on-going focus on Fisher Island in the Furneaux group in Bass Strait, however we will include other Tasmanian Islands which are impacted by vertebrate pests (eg cats, rats, mice, rabbits and others). We also undertake the short-tailed shearwater banding project, one of the longest-runni...

Islands - 35 Members

Friends of Snake Island

The Friends of Snake Island (FOSI)  includes members of the Tasmanian Sea Canoeing Club (TSCC), the Kettering Yacht Club (KYC) and other local community members. It was recognised that, while the island has traditionally been, and continues to be, a popular destination for people with access to boats, it has unfortunately s...

Coastal - 15 Members

Wildcare Friends of Stanley Penguins

The Friends of Stanley Penguins, established in 2023 is a group of volunteers with the aim to help protect the Little Penguins in the Godfreys Beach, Stanley Conservation area. Our group assists visitors at the Godfreys Beach Viewing Platform and educates tourists and locals through interpretation and awareness.

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Explore our events

4:30am - 7:30am
48 Debomfords Lane, Geilston Bay
Friends of Maatsuyker Island
Off Island Yarning
Wildcare Groups Friends of Maatsuyker Island (FOMI) and Friends of Tasman Island (FOTI) are joining for an afternoon of connections without the agenda and minutes! This is a social gathering built for everyone: fresh faces, distant admirers and those who are part of the Wildcare furniture. We will be celebrating existing wisdom of members and embracing the enthusiasm of new comers.
10:15pm - 3:30am
Meet at west end of Tolosa Street, Glenorchy
Wildcare Friends of Wellington Park
Wellington Park April working bee
Weeding Spanish heath
5:00am - 6:00am
167 low head Road
Friends of Low Head Penguin Colony
FoLHPC April Meeting
You are invited to attend the FOLHPC bimonthly Committee meeting.
12:00am - 12:00pm
Camp Clayton, Ulverstone, Tasmania
Friends of the OBP
FoOBP stall at EcoFest
FoOPB will have a stall at EcoFest (Ulverstone) over the weekend of 5-6 April 2025. We hope to see you there!
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