The Rust Remembers – Exhibition

The Rust Remembers An exhibition by Janet Fenton Wildcare Friends of Melaleuca President, Janet Fenton is an accomplished artist with a lifelong connection to Melaleuca in Southwest Tasmania where rusted mining machinery is gradually merging into the present living landscape. Rust holds memories of the past. The past disintegrates into the future. This body of […]

Tidying up by the Tyenna River

Friends of Mt Field

Blackberry removed from the banks of the Tyenna River, and some of the removers - Ross, Stephen, Howard and Greg

In June, the Friend of Mt Field saw a dense patch of blackberries on the bank of the Tyenna River. It was our first task for the day on our July working bee, but it proved to be a bigger one than anticipated. Being close to the river, spraying was undesirable, so we tackled it […]

More Weeds Discovered

On arriving at the site, the first task was to clear what was thought to be a smattering of Spanish Heath at the head of Barossa Creek. Once we started in the area it soon became obvious that the task had been considerably underestimated and by lunch time it still had plenty of Spanish Heath […]

Saltmarsh Education at Orielton Lagoon

Orielton Reserve Wetlands Education Event April 2022 On Sunday April 10th, 2022 we held a Wetland Education event at Orielton Lagoon reserve. We were so fortunate as to have several brilliant presenters give our FoPWOL group a really informative few hours sharing their specialist knowledge of saltmarsh wetlands, birds, fish and the whole ecosystem. Dr. […]

Friends of Freycinet – May Mayhem working bee

Friends of Freycinet

May saw the Friends assemble once again at Freycinet for the May Mayhem working bee.  Gathering mid-morning on Monday 16th for morning tea and briefing the group then split into two and spent a productive afternoon removing weeds from nearby areas.  The normal culprits of course were found and removed – bridal creeper, bluebell creeper, […]


Great outcomes for FOMIs Wildcare Tasmania weed control and shearwater monitoring 2021-2022 season have been achieved thanks to the terrific support over the past five years from the Pennicott Foundation This commitment and support from Robert Pennicott and the Pennicott Foundation has provided a significant boost to these programs. The Weed Control program is […]

Donors support research into vaccine to protect Tasmanian Devils

Substantial progress on the development of an oral bait vaccine to protect devils against devil facial tumour disease has been made possible through funding from the Tasmanian Devil Cause of Wildcare’s Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund. This project shows what can be achieved when volunteers, donors and like-minded organisations are brought together through the Wildcare platform. […]

Twisted Lakes Track Project completion

by Taylor Benny (PWS Cradle) and Sally Simco (President, WCMV) The Twisted Lakes Track Work project has been a partner initiative between Wildcare Cradle Mountain Volunteers (WCCMV) and PWS Cradle Mountain that has seen the improvement of approximately 420 metres of severely degraded track along the Twisted Lakes Track in Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National […]

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