New Roadkill Reporting App launched

A new roadkill reporting App has been developed by staff within the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania. This app will allow roadkill data to be collected into the foreseeable future and anyone with the App is encouraged to use it to report devil and other roadkill that they come across. In a recent […]

The Maugean Skate

Have you heard of the Maugean skate? It is an ancient Gondwanan relict species of skate. Seldom seen, this endangered animal lurks under the tannin waters of Macquarie Harbour. Maugean Skates are Tasmania’s largest endemic fish and also one of the State’s most endangered marine species. They face many challenges in Macquarie Harbour, especially in […]

Weeding on Tamar Island

Friends of Tamar Island Wetlands Reserve – Ann, Robyn and Jing with the help of PWS Work experience student Charlie and in the company of PWS staff Jason and Peter, tackled weeds on Tamar Island at our December working bee. As blackberries were removed we discovered seedling Blackwoods             We […]

A glimpse inside the Wildcare Expos

We had a fabulous time at the Southern Wildcare Expo in Kingston last Saturday. Some 250 people attended during the afternoon – if you were one of them, thank you for the part you played in creating this event. (If you weren’t, there’s always next year)! A special thank you to our Exhibit Table hosts […]

Tackling Milkwort at Narawntapu (Badger Head) Round 2

In glorious weather Friends of Narawntapu and PWS staff did a second round with Myrtle-leaf Milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia) at Badger Head.   We worked for some of the time in an area of Melaleuca and were delighted by the light that poured in as tall Milkwort plants were removed from the canopy. Three hours of […]

CONVERSATIONS, CONNECTIONS and CLIMATE at the Southern Wildcare Expo this Saturday!

Are you curious about conservation (and climate)? Wildcare Tasmania supports people to care for Tassie’s wild places, wildlife and rich cultural heritage through collaborative on-ground action. We take action within social and environmental forces that at times seem daunting and we act with hope and optimism about the cumulative and sometimes catalytic impact of our […]

Penna Beach Restoration Project

Friends of Pitt Water Orielton Lagoon/Sorell Council - Penna Beach Foreshore Project

By Georgie Davis, Co-ordinator, Wildcare Friends of Pitt Water Orielton Lagoon   Penna Beach has had a significant make-over, bringing it back to the place of beauty and tranquility it once was. Collaboration between Sorell Council and Wildcare Friends of Pitt Water Orielton Lagoon has resulted in the successful implementation of restoration works through a […]

Power to the Pruners at Cradle Mountain

  The Cradle Mountain Volunteers branch has its roots in the Volunteer Track-worker program which commenced at Cradle Mountain in 2014. Following the initial hard cut- back to remove vegetation that had encroached on the tracks in the day-walk area, a regular prune has been the secret to keeping growth under control. This year, the […]

Friends of Freycinet – 3 days in the life of a Working Bee

Friends of Freycinet

OPPORTUNITIES IN OCTOBER WORKING BEE (10-12TH) Another productive and enjoyable volunteer working bee with Freycinet National Park staff. DAY 1 Volunteers (Ian, Joan, Don, Lee, Lorraine, Mal, Rob, Peter, Ross, Ros and John), met at the Parks workshop at 10:30am where we enjoyed a delicious morning tea with Parks staff, provided by Fee and others. […]

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