Interested in leaping into a new role?

If you are looking to leap into a new volunteering role this could be the one for you! Seeking EOI’s – Wildcare’s Grant Assessment Committee Are you looking for a professional volunteer opportunity to make a genuine contribution to the care of Tasmania’s wild places? Do you have knowledge in nature and conservation? Expressions of […]

When ‘planking’ doesn’t mean lying down on the job!

Friends of Mt Field

Friends of Mt Field’s K Col Project – this video takes you there. In this case, ‘planking’ doesn’t mean lying down on the job! With the support of a Tasmanian Community Fund Grant, Friends of Mt Field have worked hard in conjunction with the Parks and Wildlife Service and contractors, to protect alpine vegetation along […]

Connect Up at Cradle-Information and Training Day

Wildcare Cradle Mountain has made a strong comeback to volunteering at Cradle Mountain following the covid break, with 53 volunteers clocking up 1200 hours in the past year.  One thing that has been missing on the WCMV events calendar has been the chance to physically come together in larger numbers, but it is now possible to […]

A lemonade stand for Tassie Devils!

We were recently delighted at Wildcare, when a donation came into the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund with the note: “All proceeds from our court lemonade stand.” We had to find out more … here is the story shared by Clare Rawson. “Inspired by the one day of sunny weather in Gippsland and last day of […]

Keeping the larapuna coast (and ourselves) healthy

There are 27,500 less sea spurge plants on the larapuna coast after the larapuna Community Weekend held in mid-August this year. More than seventy walkers hunted out sea spurge and marine debris while enjoying 38km this magnificent coast on four walks over three days. The annual event covers the coast from wukalina / Mt William […]

Volunteer Spotlight – Stuart Dudgeon

Friends of Deal Island

Stuart Dudgeon is the Treasurer of Friends of Deal Island and a key part of their weeds sub-committee, working closely with Tas Parks & Wildlife Service to review their current strategy and explore biocontrol options. This is the story of how he came to be involved …….. When Stuart started work as a ranger at […]

Wildlife Rehabilitation

Meet Poppy – an Eastern Barred Bandicoot who was brought to Bonorong Wildlife Sanctuary after she was attacked by a dog and unfortunately orphaned as a result. Poppy had to undergo a round of antibiotics to combat any potential infections from the attack but she’s looking to make a full recovery. Once she is old […]

Friends of Deal Island need help to find ragwort biocontrols

Friends of Deal Island

Ragwort (Senecio jacobaea) is an agricultural (and environmental) weed that is having an impact on Deal Island. Once firmly established, it dominates an area to the exclusion of other plants. Ragwort has been known about on the Island since 1998 …. most likely linked to past agricultural activities on the island by lighthouse keepers. There […]

Tackling Milkwort at Narawntapu (Badger Head)

In balmy September weather, Friends of Narawntapu and Mersey Parks & Wildlife staff did a first round with Myrtle-leaf Milkwort (Polygala myrtifolia). This native of South Africa’s coast has spread from nearby gardens into the National Park where it is out-competing native plants in the sandy soil. Three hours of cheerful toil: The results – […]

REGISTER NOW for the Wildcare Expos


WILL YOU BE JOINING US? You are invited to the Wildcare Tasmania Expo’s which are an annual showcase and celebration of our volunteer and philanthropy community and the organisations who support us. This flyer outlines who’ll be there and what will happening – check it out! Free registration is through the following Eventbrite links: Ulverstone […]

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