Welcome Wildcare CEO

Jill Maxwell has been appointed as Wildcare’s new CEO and will commence in mid August. Jill is enthusiastic about living life to the full, contributing to change at both an individual and community level. On a personal level, this has led Jill to test her abilities in climbing mountains or kayaking many of Tasmania’s rivers […]

PWS seeking Volunteer Campground Caretakers at Mount Field National Park

Friends of Mt Field

The Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service (PWS) is currently advertising for Volunteer Campground Caretakers for Mount Field National Park Campground, for four and five-week placements, between mid-December and May during the 2023/24 and 2024/25 summers. Mount Field is one of Tasmania’s oldest and most diverse national parks, and offers visitors an array of natural wonders, […]

larapuna Community Weekend in August

Enjoy walking the coastline between wukalina / Mt William National Park and the Gardens. Along the way you will be working alongside Wildcare’s Friends of larapuna to remove the beach weed ‘sea spurge’ and marine debris. We’ll take time to share stories and hear from local experts. There are 5 walks to chose from over 4 […]

What do Park Rangers do when they retire?

Like many previous park rangers, Chris Arthur has continued caring for Tasmania’s wild places in a voluntary capacity post retirement. He volunteers with Friends of Fisher Island, SPRATS (Sea spurge Remote Area Teams) and has spent time as a volunteer caretaker on Deal Island. Here’s a snapshot of what he’s been up to lately. Photos […]

Weeding and planting on Tamar Island

After a wet and windy weekend, Wednesday 28th June dawned calm and sunny for our working bee. Friends of Tamar Island Wetlands Reserve – Ann, Robyn, Rod, Suzanne, Jing, Ralph, Jenny and Aidan with PWS ranger Jason set off for Tamar Island with wheelbarrows, plants, weeding and planting gear. Supervised by a pair of circling […]

KarstCare – Cavers caring for caves

Karst Care

Karstcare is a Wildcare group who contribute to cave management in Tasmania, enabling cavers to minimise the impact of pursuing their passion. Whilst they do the odd surface weed eradication/re-vegetation project (just to get some vitamin D!), their workplace is predominantly underground and requires specialist skills. Sometimes, the worksite may be 2 hours or more […]

FROTHI’s 3rd annual Working Bee a success!

It was a spectacular few days on Three Hummock Island for our 3rd annual FROTHI working bee! We pulled as much Sea Spurge as we could and collected every bit of marine rubbish that crossed our paths as we made our way along those tremendous golden beaches of Three Hummock Island. It was a fantastic […]

Sounds of the Southwest

A music night to share the beauty, conservation ethic and stories of Port Davey also raised funds for Friends of Melaleuca’s volunteer work. The 25th May was a wintry night but the Moonah Arts Centre auditorium was booked out! Tony Fenton, Peter Marmion and Mick Lawrence put together this program of music and photography inspired […]

Supporting vaccine research to fight Devil Facial Tumour Disease

Devil Facial Tumour Disease is a transmittable, aggressive and malignant cancer that is having a devastating impact on the Tasmanian Devil population. Research into the development of a vaccine to fight the disease is taking great strides thanks to the work of the Wild Immunology Group from the Menzies Institute for Medical Research. The primary […]

Mt Beattie Track Remediation – Friends of Melaleuca

Mt Beattie is a popular walk amongst visitors to Port Davey. The track begins at the historic Claytons cottage which is cared for by Friends of Melaleuca and PWS, and meanders through mature rainforest to the open slopes and summit, which afford wonderful all-round vistas of the waterway and surounding mountains. Special plants such as […]

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