Friends of Tamar Island Wetlands Reserve

What we are doing

Weeding and planting on Tamar Island

Posted 01 Jul, 2023
After a wet and windy weekend, Wednesday 28th June dawned calm and sunny for our working bee. Friends of Tamar Island Wetlands Reserve - Ann, Robyn, Rod, Suzanne, Jing, Ralph, Jenny and Aidan with PWS ranger Jason set off for Tamar Island with wheelbarrows, plants, weeding and planting gear. Supervised by a pair of circling sea eagles, some very friendly grey flycatchers and a couple of dozen bouncing blue wrens:
  • Robyn dealt with the re-emerging firethorn that we had tackled last year,
  • Rod tackled blackberries under the big oak tree,
  • Jenny and Suzanne removed a stand of Montpelier broom; and
  • the rest of us planted 65 native plants grown from seed collected on the west bank of kanamaluka/Tamar estuary - blackwoods, prickly moses, drooping she-oaks and black peppermints

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