An amble in August

Friends of Freycinet

The Friends of Freycinet met at Freycinet National Park 15-19 August for a 5-day working bee. After a sodden weekend the weather cleared on the east coast to overcast days for our working bee.  On arrival, and after catch-ups, we had an induction while we lunched on soup provided by Ranger Fee before sorting ourselves […]

Friends of Freycinet – May Mayhem working bee

Friends of Freycinet

May saw the Friends assemble once again at Freycinet for the May Mayhem working bee.  Gathering mid-morning on Monday 16th for morning tea and briefing the group then split into two and spent a productive afternoon removing weeds from nearby areas.  The normal culprits of course were found and removed – bridal creeper, bluebell creeper, […]

Friends of Freycinet March Muster

Friends of Freycinet

A Monday in March saw Friends of Freycinet (FOF) gathering at Freycinet National Park for the March Muster working bee.  We had a plan, we had the participants, and we kinda had the weather. Ranger Fee’s plan for the week included some of the following gems:  the Hunt for the Spooky Bridal Creeper and other […]

Be part of the bird count at Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve

Friends of Freycinet

Do you enjoy bird watching and being in the great outdoors? The Parks & Wildlife Service are currently seeking expressions of interest from volunteers who would like to join the ever popular, Moulting Lagoon bird count, planned for Tuesday 15 February 2022. Come and join the bird count team for an enjoyable day out and […]

Shenanigans on Schouten

Friends of Freycinet

Friends of Freycinet – Schouten Island working bee 6-15 December 2021 Shenanigans on Schouten – we were too busy. Monday December 6th saw the Schouten Shenanigans crew of 7, plus some of FoF’s esteemed older members, gather for a BBQ lunch at Freycinet and a brief FoF meeting (no official AGM this year).  Afterwards the […]

Opportunities in October working bee

Friends of Freycinet

We certainly had plenty of opportunities to hone our weeding, painting and building skills this working bee. The week started off with glorious weather.  Once everyone was settled in and we had our briefing, cake supplied by Ranger Fee (thanks Fee), we were off.  For the next two days there was plenty of weeding done […]

Interested in a wild volunteering opportunity?

Friends of Freycinet

Do you dream of being stowed away on one of Tasmania’s best offshore islands amidst blue sea and pink granite? Oh, and ……. a significant infestation of weeds, which are diminishing thanks to your efforts? Make a difference this summer, by joining the Friends of Freycinet on their Annual Schouten Island working bee from 6-15th […]

Friends of Freycinet (FoF) Working Bee – Ablaze in August 2021

Friends of Freycinet

Volunteers: Dave, Ian, Joan, Greg, Roz, Debra, Peter Jenny, Tanya, John (Monday to Wednesday) and Ros. Thanks to thorough organisation by Fee (Parks Ranger) and Jenny (FoF coordinator) prior to the week, and luck with the weather, we had a very smooth-running, enjoyable, and productive week. After safety and planning briefings led by Fee on […]

Forever Vibrant – volunteering during retirement

Friends of Freycinet

Woman leaning on a rail on a lookout

Retirement by definition means to leave the workforce behind. However, retirement isn’t just sitting around, or playing bowls. It’s an opportunity to do all those things you may not have had the chance to do while you were busy working or raising a family. Wildcare Friends of Freycient president Jenny Baulis knows first-hand. Volunteering during […]

Friends of Freycinet_May Mayhem working bee

Friends of Freycinet

The May working bee proved to be very productive with up to 9 attendees (at various times during the week) including Jenny and Ralph, Peter, Lorraine, James, Greg, Ros and John, and Jon) contributing to an impressive list of jobs completed. We gathered on Monday to plan the week ahead and were treated to a […]

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