Gorse Removal on Schouten Island

Friends of Freycinet

  December 2020 saw 8 intrepid members of Friends of Freycinet head to Schouten Island for their annual working bee to tackle the removal of gorse and periwinkle on the island. Volunteers fully support themselves on the island for a period of 7 days and spend their time weeding gorse in the known areas as […]

Friends of Freycinet March Muster

Friends of Freycinet

The weather forecast for the week ahead didn’t look all that promising – showers and rain most days – but undeterred a group of keen volunteers assembled at Freycinet on the Monday morning. Unfortunately, Ranger Fee was away sick all week, however Rangers Nick and Steve W filled in capably and kept us all on […]

Schouten Shenanigans

Friends of Freycinet

Friends of Freycinet December 2020 working bee We may have to change the name because with all the work done we did not have the time or the energy for shenanigans (at least that I know of). Adverse boating weather meant we spent a day undertaking all manner of jobs within the Park, including weeding […]

The signs are good for Friends of Freycinet!

Friends of Freycinet

A new sign displaying the work of Friends of Freycinet has just been installed in the Visitors’ Centre at Freycinet National Park. The sign proudly shows how this enthusiastic group of volunteers work with the Tasmanian Parks & Wildlife Service to look after a much loved park, and invites others to join them. “We hope […]

Friends of Freycinet – free at last (Part Two)

Friends of Freycinet

Did torrential rain stop us?  No.  One team weeded 615 great mullein plants from the northern end of the park near Bicheno in heavy rain. A couple of wimps (including me) helped build a large cabinet to store our Wildcare gear in the PWS workshop. Everything fitted in beautifully! A large team spent a day weeding […]

Friends of Freycinet – free at last!

Friends of Freycinet

Free at last! penned by wordsmith Dave Harris (President, Friends of Freycinet) 1.  2. Free to travel to our wonderful Freycinet National Park for a working bee. Free to knock elbows with our wonderful PWS friends. Free to contemplate the large list of tasks assigned to us by Ranger Fiona. 3 4. But hang on: […]

Schouten Shenanigans?

Friends of Freycinet

You be the judge. There were ten participants who had been on too many working bees together and generated a lot of nonsense. We had a fairly rowdy dinner at the pub to start with. Getting to the island involved us and three boatloads of gear utilizing both the PWS boat and the Aqua Taxi […]

Frenetic at Freycinet

Friends of Freycinet

Yes, we were frenetic but were not disorganized. Much forethought had been given by Parks and Wildlife (PWS) staff to the tasks and resources assigned for the week. Thirteen participants were involved and we were housed in very comfortable PWS staff quarters. Fraternal! We welcomed three new faces and they all said they would be […]

It started with cakes and ended with a bbq…..

Friends of Freycinet

The August Working Bee 5-9 August 2019 After goodness knows what time in the morning we started from Launceston and Hobart, by 11.30am on Monday we were tucking into cakes and cream supplied by Fiona and Natasha from PWS at the Freycinet Field Centre. What were we doing after that? Oh yes, paperwork and preparation […]

Friends of Freycinet ‘The Mayhem’

Friends of Freycinet

What better way to mark National Volunteer Week than to have a week long working bee at the same time?  Was that planned?  You bet! On arrival at the Freycinet Visitors and Field Centre we were met by a large welcoming sign and two scrumptious cakes made by PWS staff members Fiona and Natasha, (known […]

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