Desperate Plight of the OBP Film

Snowgum Press Films & The Bob Brown Foundation present the première screening of The Desperate Plight of the Orange-bellied Parrot a film by David Neilson, renowned wildlife photographer and OBP volunteer. STARRING  Matilda – World’s  first cross-fostered OBP.  (After commendable accolades in her debut season we hope she makes a return to the screen in  2017/18!) To […]

Avoiding Uniformity

Friends of Mt Field

Visitor Centre Russell Falls Track Showers were predicted although the Upper Derwent valley forecast suggested these would not be until late afternoon or evening.  We did hear from Linda, the duty Ranger, that it was cold and windy and wet in the alpine area, but at the visitor centre it remained lovely and sunny. Beside the new track […]

Tasmanian Landcare Fund Grants


Landcare Tasmania is excited to announce that the 21st round of the Tasmanian Landcare Fund Grant is OPEN. The theme is “Maintaining and Building Better Soils” and up to $15,000 per project is available for funding. Read all the details and download the guidelines and application on the Landcare Tasmania website using the link above. […]

Southwest Marine Debris Cleanup


Late notice but if anyone is looking for something to do this morning then this is the talk to attend.   Coinciding with Saturday’s Salamanca market, a series of free public talks about plastic pollution in the world’s oceans will begin this weekend at the IMAS building as part of the seven week exhibition Vanishing […]

News from NRM South – Free Workshops and Bite Sized Grants


Free Workshops NRM South have organised some exciting free workshops during November: Law of the Land – presented by EDO Tas to help you understand Tasmania’s environmental laws. 4th November – Swansea. Waterbug Id – 4th November – Kingston; 12th November – Otago Bay; 19th November – South Hobart. The workshops are all free, and open to anyone in the […]

Nice Weather, Nice Country

After some indifferent weather over recent times it was so pleasant in Goat Hills today; in fact, it wasn’t long before warm tops were being shed.  A patch of Erica that we previously ran out of time to clear, remained to be removed. Once completed we moved over to a dry north facing slope that had not previously been […]

Take a Dose of Con’s Environment Potion

Con's exhibition

Con Rhee is a member of the Wildcare Cradle Mountain Volunteers. He is also a photographer who has “discovered how to capture art in nature”. As much as his panels look like “works of art”  his images are not manipulated and are true representations of reality. Reality, in this case being the Tasmanian environment, with a  focus on lakes, rivers and […]

Invitation to Inspired Solitude – an exhibition of artistic interpretations of Maatsuyker Island


Dear Friends of Maatsuyker Island We are excited to announce our exhibition Inspired Solitude: artistic interpretations of Maatsuyker Island. You are invited to the launch 5.30pm Thursday 12 October 2017 (details are on the invitation attached – just click on this link). Maatsuyker art exhibition flyer 2017 In conjunction with the exhibition FOMI will be […]

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