Halting the Spread

Two years ago we started work in an area close to the boundary of Wellington Park that was infested with a huge field of Erica.  It was in a valley off Kalang Avenue where part of a hillside that had once been cleared, perhaps for small fruit farming.  It was also somewhat unusual in that […]

A spectacular Endemic Epacris

Good fortune was with us today, with pleasant, sunny and warm conditions together with the Epacris acuminate being in full flower. The Chapel access track for the drive to the Epacris site was dry which meant a quicker trip than if Montrose had to be used. The Epacris acuminate or Clasping-leaf heath as the common […]

Chocolate Cake Day

Inglewood Site It was just as well that a good number of people were able to help on the latest Wellington Park Bushcare Group event as there was a big and very rich chocolate cake to get through. This was for the morning break and provided by the City of Hobart as a thank you […]

We just beat the rain

As predicted snow was at sea level on Monday, but fortunately Tuesday was a much more congenial day for working in the bush. Even so, the snow was clearly visible a short bit higher up but with sun out it was quite pleasant where we were located. Soon after packing up and going out the […]

Don’t Turn Your Back On Erica for Too long

On the morning of this working bee there had been a few showers and although it was predicted to clear, it looked somewhat uncertain how long this would take. The Council supervisor thought it may be best to cancel. Whilst the working bee had been cancelled it is usually necessary to turn up at the […]

Clearing Benefits Walkers

This was the third day of track clearing that the Wellington Park Bushcare Group has put in on the Collins Bonnet track. The section from Myrtle Forest Creek up to the plateau below Collins Bonnet has been heavily overgrown for many years, but the group has cleared over 900 metres and has another 250 to […]

Erica the Constant Enemy

There was a possibility that we would work with the Green Army at the Tolosa area, but their supervisor was injured so they were not there. We reverted to our original schedule and headed up to Goat Hills the easy way; in a 4wd driven by Hannah from Glenorchy City Council. The southern section of […]

The Bogs Avoided

On the upper part of the track to Collins Bonnet in the Western Wellingtons went through two degraded spots but not anymore. In a joint venture with Parks and Wildlife we have rerouted the track on to harder ground. The two sections went through pineapple grass and this plant breaks down badly with heavy usage. […]

Protecting a rare community

Below the foothills of Wellington Park in the Tolosa area there is a community of Epacris virgata, a rare plant threatened by the invasive Spanish Heath (Erica lusitanica scourge. The Wellington Park Bushcare Group has been removing the weed for 10 years. Two areas were targeted on this latest event, which for one spot was […]

Less Scrub Now

Getting to Collins Bonnet from Myrtle Forest has been a scrubby affair for a number of years, but it has suddenly become a much clearer track.  Along with Parks staff, the Wellington Park Bushcare Group  cut back the heavy overgrowth for quite a length of the track. It was a pleasant temperature and a fine […]

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