Wildcare Get Outside Trip to Taroona

The first Wildcare Get Outside Trip for the season was held on a gorgeous sunny day at Taroona Beach. This trip coincided with a local art festival which was a great way to new arrivals to see what local Tasmanians do with their spare time on the weekend. This trip was led by the newly […]

Get Outside – Food, Fun and Fame

GET OUTSIDE _ FOOD The latest Get Outside event wound up the 2015/16 summer season with the leadership training being completed. This included two of the participants being interviewed by two local T.V. stations and the all the leaders undertaking training in delivering  “sensory” experiences. Being competent in delivering “sensory” experiences ensures that GO leaders […]

Harmony Day – a huge success

The three day leadership event for the Get Outside Program was a huge success. This course was wrapped around the Harmony Day Celebration at Mount Field National Park where 130 people spent the day going on bush walks, having picnics, playing soccer and dancing. The new leaders and the experienced leaders were fantastic, taking turns […]

Get Outside visits Hastings Caves

35 people joined us for a magical day exploring the underground delights of Hastings Caves. Although everyone agreed it was a long day in a slow bus, it was unanimous that it was worth it. The participants enjoyed games at the beach in Dover on the way down and a lovely shared lunch at Hastings […]

Get Outside goes to Fortescue Bay

The Get Outside Wildcare Branch held their first outing of the year to the beautiful Fortescue Bay. Fifty- five people in total came for the day mostly young people aged between fifteen and twenty -five. The day was spent enjoying the beach, each other, walking, burying people in the sand, soccer, swimming and fishing.   […]

Leadership is strong in Tasmania

12 young people (newly arrived to Tasmania) recently undertook a 2 day leadership course as part of the Wildcare Get Outside Project, funded by the Tasmanian Community Fund. These young leaders spent two days observing, participating, practising and playing lots of games. Some of the topics covered included different leadership styles, group management, communication skills […]

Young Leaders Get Outside

As part of the leadership training for the Get Outside Program, young leaders are encouraged and supported to lead trips with their communities to local reserves and National Parks. This story highlights the success of a young Chinese woman called Shuang Shuang who successfully took 30 Chinese people to explore the Tasman National Park. Trip […]

Getting Outside with prams at Mount Field National Park

Saturday the 8th March was cool and a bit rainy but it didn’t stop 45 people turning up for a journey to the beautiful Mount Field National Park. The waterfall at Russell Falls put on an awesome display on the day and the tall trees walk was worth all the steps. “This is one of […]

Donations come in for the Get Outside Project

Its amazing how sometimes things happen. A simple request on a personal Facebook page for some camping equipment for the Get Outside Project resulted in 4 tents, 7 sleeping bags, beanies, polar fleeces and warm socks. Now the branch has lots of extra equipment that we can use on the bush walks  and trips scheduled […]

Get Outside has a wild and wet start to the year.

The Get Outside season started first night with wild and wet weather but that did not deter 19 people from enjoying the evening together. Ranger Richard talked to us about birds, Jodie cooked up a great dinner and participants went for a walk around the reserve. Thanks to our volunteers who turned up on the […]

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