An untarnished legacy on Tarn Shelf

Friends of Mt Field

Finishing gravelling that other section of Tarn Shelf Track in May

An untarnished legacy on Tarn Shelf Some years ago, Friends of Mt Field used to work with Parks and Wildlife Service ranger Trevor Norris in Mt Field National Park. Both Trevor and the Friends enjoyed working together. Sadly, Trevor died, but he left a legacy to the Friends in his will. The Tarn Shelf Track […]

Introducing Eucalyptus ovata – Part 2

Importance Black gums are the unsung hero of the swift parrot. Tasmanian blue gum gets all the attention, but the black gum’s flowers are also an important food source for swift parrots, providing food during the early breeding season and in places where there is no flowering blue gum. As swifties depend on blue and […]

Return to Maatsuyker Island & Our Birthday Celebration

by Penni Rockliff Maatsuyker Island, located off the coast of southern Tasmania, is a place of awe-inspiring natural beauty, fascinating cultural heritage and I reckon a whole lot of magic. The most significant modern cultural heritage site on the island is the lighthouse, which was built in 1891 and operated until 1996. Alongside are the […]

Link, Learn and Lunch!

Community volunteers caring for our natural resources across the Cradle Coast region are invited to join ‘Link, Learn and Lunch’ – a FREE event hosted by Cradle Coast Authority NRM and supported by Landcare Tasmania and Wildcare Tasmania. The day will include presentations from diverse community NRM groups and plenty of time to catch up […]

Protecting peaty Mt Beattie

In 2021, Wildcare’s Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund made a grant to the Friends of Melaleuca (the Friends) for remediation of deteriorated bushwalking track on Mt Beattie in southwest Tasmania. Boating visitors use the track to climb the mountain, which gives great views of Melaleuca Inlet, Bathurst Harbour, the surrounding mountains and Port Davey. This use […]

Introducing Eucalyptus ovata – Part 1

Introduction As far as endangered species go in Tasmania, it’s normally the birds and mammals that get most of the attention. We all know about the plight of swift parrots, Tasmanian devils and that a leading cause of a species’ decline is a loss of suitable habitat. What we don’t often think about, is that […]

Showcasing magnificent SW Tasmania

Come along to to support Friends of Melaleuca’s fundraiser at Moonah Arts Centre, 23-27 Albert Road Moonah Thursday 25th May, 7.00pm Wildcare volunteer group Friends of Melaleuca will be showcasing stunning images, stories, live and recorded music inspired by Southwest Tasmania. Amid the spectacular images, hear about “A piano’s wilderness odyssey”; Nigel Westlake’s “Spirit of […]

Friends of Tamar Island Wetlands Reserve – Cormiston Creek Track Renovation

In 2022 Friends of Tamar Island Wetlands Reserve was successful in winning community support through the  Great Regional City Challenge for the renovation of Cormiston Creek Track. This short track (about 900 m) runs from Riverside to the car park of the Tamar Island Wetlands Reserve, which is one of those precious pieces of Launceston […]

Friends of Melaleuca’s 15th Working Bee!

Wildcare Friends of Melaleuca have been working closely with the Tasmanian Parks and Wildlife Service since 2009 to care for, maintain and interpret natural and historic heritage at Melaleuca and Claytons Corner in Southwest Tasmania. There are no roads to this area, the waterways being the local means of transport, giving the place its unique […]

New Volunteer Profile – Meet Lesley

There are lots of ways of being a Wildcare volunteer and all are welcome! Joining a group is a great way to get to know your local environment or to immerse yourself in a place you love to visit that is further from home. Perhaps your interest is in a particular species – the Orange-bellied […]

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