What you can do in a weekend


45 diverse volunteers, 35 kilometres of coastline, three days, thousands of sea spurge plants and 100 kilograms of marine debris. These stats tell half the story from the second larapuna/Bay of Fires Community Weekend. This spectacular coastline hosted this community engagement event initiated by the Parks and Wildlife Service with significant support from the Break […]

Revegetation working bee Miena Park Sorell

Tuesday 21 June any time from 9am until 3pm – join the Green Army in a planting/weeding working bee at Miena Park, Sorell. We (Friends of Pitt Water Orielton Lagoon) have been successful in receiving a grant from NRM South for one days work with the Green Army. The grant includes $500 for plants (ground […]

Melaleuca Working Bee

Making a difference at Melaleuca by Cate Macpherson A team of highly skilled and enthusiastic volunteers assembled at Melaleuca in March to tackle an ambitious program of building works, coordinated by the Friends of Melaleuca (FOM). The crew of 13 had been specially recruited for their diverse skills in areas that included building, carpentry, electrical, […]

The Monster May- Hem

Friends of Freycinet

All the ingredients of a mayhem were present. 14 volunteers A list of jobs filling one A3 size spreadsheet. (That part was organized). Teams and vehicles to be assigned. Gradually we sorted ourselves out. Some applied render to the barbeque bricks. I could not bear to watch as they had not looked at the DIY […]

Greatly Appreciated

Friends of Mt Field

Saturday 21 May 2016 Several walkers came by, whist we were working on the track to Mount Field East, and had thanks for the work being done and were also most appreciative of the new boardwalk at the start of the track.  In recent days a good deal of rain had fallen and with melted […]

Citizen science opportunities at Clifton Beach

Wildcare Deslacs is an active participant in two citizen science projects – would you like to join in? Tasmanian Shoreline Monitoring & Archiving: We are working with the University of Tasmania to monitor the effect of sea level rise at the Clifton Beach Coastal Reserve and Pipe Clay Lagoon Coastal Reserve. Coastal saltmarsh monitoring: We are also working with the University […]

Controlling feral cats at Cape Deslacs Nature Reserve

Feral Cats Feral cats are a constant threat to our local wildlife all year round. They are top end predators, prolific breeders, and will eat almost anything that moves, including nesting birds in trees and burrows. Wildcare Deslacs has a well organised feral cat trapping program and we need more people to help. For more […]

The Kids Plant

Friends of Mt Field

Tuesday 17 May 2016 The kids at Westerway Primary School have been involved with a Wilds’Cool, which is a program promoted by Wildcare. Larissa, one of the Friends of Mount Field volunteers, was instrumental in starting the program at the school and we located an area of river reserve suitable for rehabilitation with native flora of the region that […]

Boost to Frenchmans Cap – thanks Dick


Walkers to Frenchmans Cap are set to enjoy a new energy efficient hut at Lake Tahune thanks to the ongoing generosity of businessman Dick Smith. Eight years ago, Mr Smith agreed to fund an upgrade of the Frenchmans Cap Track after he and his wife Pip walked the track for their 40th wedding anniversary. They […]

Wildtimes 55 now available

Hot off the press is Wildtimes 55 with a host of interesting articles. Do you know where nearly a quarter of a million weeds have been pulled, what happens if you work in the same weed site for 15 years, which lighthouse is ‘flasher than ever’ or who won a volunteer of the year award? Check it […]

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