Friends of Freycinet Schouten Island working bee EOIs

Friends of Freycinet

It’s on again, Friends of Freycinet Schouten Shenanigans working bee. Expressions of Interest (EOI) are now open. This year we are trialling a slightly different format. The working bee will run from25 November to 10 December and there will be three options available to volunteers: Option One will be from 25 November to 3 December. […]

Friends of Deal Island – The year that’s been

Friends of Deal Island

Friends of Deal Island have been busy over the past year with projects including the Ragwort Beetle Project and Heritage conservation works. Over the past two years, the branch raised $2400 at the Wooden Boat Festival, made progress on weed control and conservation efforts, and executed a successful Ragwort Beetle project with grants. Stuart’s leadership […]

Wildcare Tasmania Special General Meeting

You are invited The Wildcare Board is proposing some changes to the Wildcare Tasmania Constitution. The proposed changes arise from the new Wildcare membership categories for young people and corporate partners, and the recent review of the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund (TNCF). The membership proposals are intended to introduce a minimum age for voting at […]