Friends of Low Head Penguin Colony off to a flying start!

Friends of the Low Head Penguin Colony – L to R: Bruce George (Convenor), Margie Brophy (Exec member), Steve Gordon (President), Jason Orr (Exec. Member), Jo Hart (Secretary), Rex Cassidy (George Town Council and Associate Member), Tim Smith (Exec Member), Jill Holland (Treasurer). Communities Environment Program Friends of the Low Head Penguin Colony were invited […]

FOBIQS – Summer News

“On an isolated peninsula, this historic maritime quarantine station operated from 1884 until 1919, treating immigrants with typhoid and smallpox, and health-checking 9000 WWI troops on their return to Tasmania. There aren’t many buildings left, but there’s copious historical information, enthusiastic volunteer staff, lots of wildlife to see and some lovely walking trails over 322 […]

Wildcare’s Greig Clarke leads the way

The Mt Lorymer – Dial Range working bee is organised by Greig Clarke who is the coordinator for the care and maintenance of tracks through the Dial Range. On the 13th May 2019 Greig was made a life member of the North West Walking Club which he joined in 1994. He has led numerous walks, […]

Maatsuyker Island Day Trip

The Friends of Maatsuyker Island, Wildcare Inc. (FOMI) runs occasional boat trips to Maatsuyker Island to provide support to the Tasmania Parks & Wildlife Service (PWS) Volunteer Caretakers and the island operations. Boat landings are only carried out in late summer/autumn to avoid the key seal breeding period and are permitted by PWS. One day […]

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