WILDCARE Cradle Mountain Volunteers

Are you concerned about the rampant spread of foxgloves in Tasmania?

Now is your chance to respond to the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania’s Statement of Intent to declare foxglove (all Digitalis species) as a weed.

Information can be found on the Department’s website by clicking on the following link and submissions are invited up until close at 5pm 21st April.

Proposed declaration of Digitalis species (foxgloves) | Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania (nre.tas.gov.au)

The spread of foxglove is a statewide issue because is it difficult to control and used as a common garden plant. For Cradle Mountain Volunteers the listing and associated measures would be a positive move to help stop the spread of foxglove into World-heritage listed Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park where currently they aren’t found. Foxgloves, are however, growing within the surrounding reserves at Tullah and Black Bluff, on the Penguin- Cradle Track and just down the road at Moina. The Parks team, along with WCMV and Friends of PCT are actively working on the known patches of foxgloves and keeping a vigilant eye out for, and encouraging reports of, ‘invading’ plants.


Foxglove Weed Action- Mt Farrell Reserve Tullah

If you feel the urgency to go out and be a “foxglove -fighter” please be aware that all parts of the foxglove plant are toxic to humans and animals. Valuable information on safe and appropriate tactics can be found on foxglove.net.au.