With the warmer walking season approaching there is plenty to do on the PCT in preparation. There are some really pretty sections close to the coast and we have started on these but need to complete the task.

As we are working on clearing the track the pace isn’t too great and it is very satisfying when you return back and admire what has been done. Depending on the weather and numbers the possible options are Mt Lorymer, Lobster Creek Tramway, Mt Lorymer to Adit Creek or Brookes Track to Black Bluff.

Come along for a fun day out. You will require your own bushwalking gear suitable for a day out, lunch and water as we will be away from the cars. Morning tea, tools and safety gear provided. If you would like to attend then register for the event or contact greig.clarke@bigpond.com for more details.

October 6th, 2019 7:30 AM   through   October 6th, 2019 5:00 PM
Wharf Road
Ulverstone Wharf
Ulverstone, TAS, 7315

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