Come & Join us for our AGM and GM on Sat Aug 31st at the Ross Hotel (Man O'Ross)

10 for a 10.30am start 

AGM & GM plus ..we will have a look back at where we were weeding wise in 2010 and where we are now.

Learn about our exciting Ragwort beetle project 

Discuss how we can catchup more regularly and share the load 

Start planning for our November working  bee

Enjoy a delicious lunch – branch funds will cover the rm hire and tea/coffee you will need to pay for your own lunch from the pub menu

Hope to see you there.!

Please register or rsvp to ensure we know numbers

August 31st, 2024 10:00 AM   through   August 31st, 2024 2:00 PM
35 Church Street
Ross, TAS, 7209

This event is open to Wildcare members. Please login to register or, we warmly welcome you to Join Wildcare if you are visiting our site. For help with logging in or joining Wildcare please contact our friendly team at or ph 0361654230.