A morning of weeding at Sisters Beach Estuary in great company with morning tea and a brief chat at 11:30am. Meet between the two bridges.

What we will be doing:

We will continue the good work from last week, freeing plants from their guards, weeding around these and laying down road-base mulch, this time around the mound and up at the Rainforest Retreat site.

Click the link below or email Colin Hocking c.hocking@latrobe.edu.au to register.

What to bring:  

  • A sun hat and long sleeves – You might need some protection from UV. 
  • Gardening Gloves (we also have a project set you can borrow from)  
  • Weeding implements: trowels, forks, etc  
  • (we also now have a project set of trowels you can borrow from)  
  • Weeding pads for kneeling on – if you need these  
  • Water  
  • Sturdy boots, sunscreen  
  • Something to share for late morning tea – at 11.30 am – or you are welcome to just drop in to say hello during tea time. 
February 24th, 2024 10:00 AM   through   February 24th, 2024 1:00 PM
Sisters Beach Estuary
(Meet between the two bridges)

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