We will meet at the Information Centre at 10 am and walk to the island to meet PWS staff. We will continue our weeding on the northern slope of the island and also do some more planting of natives on that slope.

You will need 

  • Strong shoes, long trousers and shirt, hat and sun protection
  • We have our own tools and safety equipment but you are welcome to bring your own tools, glasses and gloves if you wish 
  • Food and drink
  • All volunteers working in Parks & Wildlife Service parks and reserves must be registered with MyImpact. This is one-off registration, if you are not already registered please ensure you are registered before the working bee – link to registration here MyImpact registration

Any queries – foftiwr@gmail.com

February 28th, 2024 10:00 AM   through   February 28th, 2024 1:00 PM
Tamar Island Wetlands Reserve

This event is open to Wildcare members. Please login to register or, we warmly welcome you to Join Wildcare if you are visiting our site. For help with logging in or joining Wildcare please contact our friendly team at memberservices@wildcaretas.org.au or ph 0361654230.