Schouten Island lies south of the Freycinet Peninsula and is about a 30 minute boat ride from Coles Bay. Participants need to be experienced campers and happy to work in isolated conditions. The working bee concentrates on the removal of gorse from the island. Previous working bee participants removed about 25,000 seedlings and about 1200 mature gorse plants. We are limited to 10 participants only. If you have completed an EOI for this working bee previously and have been unsuccessful please do not hesitate in applying again.

Further information can be found in this booklet.

If you are hearing the Siren call and would like to apply, please complete this form and email it to by 18 October 2023.

Applicants will be notified soon after.

Any queries please email 



December 11th, 2023 12:00 PM   through   December 20th, 2023 12:00 PM
Freycinet National Park
Schouten Island
Freycinet National Park, TAS