The Penguin Cradle Trail has had an increased amount of interest with bushwalkers from around Australia traversing our wonderful back yard. Join us for another working bee to help maintain this iconic walk.

There has been a lot of track work done but as always, there is more that can be achieved. Some exciting news is that we now have permission to put in a new section of track to the north of Wings Wildlife Park so that we don't have to traverse via a private plantation. The new track is on existing logging roads except for about 300 metres that has to be cut. As always, the destination is dependent on the weather and numbers.

Come along for a fun day out!

Equipment Required: You will require your own bushwalking gear suitable for a day out, lunch and water as we will be away from the cars.

Equipment Provided: Morning tea, tools and safety gear provided.

If you would like to attend the event, register here or contact Greig Clarke for more details: for more details.

April 4th, 2020 7:30 AM   through   April 4th, 2020 5:00 PM
Ulverstone Wharf

This event is open to Wildcare members. Please login to register or, we warmly welcome you to Join Wildcare if you are visiting our site. For help with logging in or joining Wildcare please contact our friendly team at or ph 0361654230.