Friends of Lillico Penguins

The coastal habitats on which Little Penguins are dependent year-round are under increasing pressure from a broad spectrum of threats. Councils, developers and community care groups may inadvertently impact these areas at times. The updated ‘Guidelines for working in, and management of Little Penguin habitat’ provide advice for minimising or mitigating these threats.

The new document, co-authored by Dr. Perviz F. Marker, Anna B. Wind and Dr Eric J. Woehler, is a significant revision of the earlier ‘Guidelines for works in areas of Little Penguin habitat’ (Marker and Wind 2008).

The revision draws on more than a decade of research undertaken in Tasmania and on the mainland and incorporates extensive local knowledge and expertise to provide advice for best-practice management of Little Penguin Eudyptula minor in Tasmania.

The document has been reviewed by the Department of Natural Resources, Tasmania (NRE) and has their support.

Read the full document HERE.