Welcome to the Wildcare Tool Box for Leaders

This page contains files, videos and information to support you in your role as a Wildcare Group leader.

The Wildcare Office Team

Jill Maxwell – CEO, Kim Willing – Volunteer Services Manager, Linda Lever – Financial Services Manager

Team Roles and Contact Details

Wildcare Group Leadership and culture

As a token of appreciation, Wildcare Presidents receive free membership for the year in which they are active. The membership status of each group President is checked during January and any President whose membership expires before January 31st of the following year will have their membership extended up to that date. To those who have longterm paid memberships we say thank you, and will be in touch with a different offer to show our support.

Health and Safety

If your project is managed under a Volunteer Program Plan within the NRET (formerly DPIPWE) Volunteer Framework or is part of a project on land managed by another organisation, then it is that organisation who is the PCBU and Wildcare members must ensure they adhere to the organisations’ safety management systems, including any volunteer sign-up processes.

The Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania, ensure appropriate risk management procedures and safe practices are in place when volunteers participate in NRE Tas authorised activities. Whenever our members are engaged by the PWS, through a Volunteer Program Plan or Ranger Assist Program, those WILDCARE Tasmania members are volunteering for NRE Tas. Learn more about volunteering at NRET here.

When Wildcare Tasmania groups and members are undertaking projects that are not managed under a Volunteer Program Plan within the NRET Volunteer Framework or are not part of a volunteer project on land managed by other organisations, (including other state or local government departments), members are volunteering for Wildcare Tasmania, and operating in a Wildcare ‘workplace’. In those circumstances, Wildcare Tas. is the ‘person conducting a business or undertaking’ (PCBU) and has the primary duty of care.

To assist you in planning/preparing for such events, please utilise the forms located on this page.

Group finances, fundraising, grants

Go to this page for information on the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund, including how and when to apply for Grants, Guidelines and Application Forms.

Communication – Wildcare website, social media, media messaging

Wildcare website instructional videos

Development of interpretive signage or publications (posters/pamphlets/booklets)

If you have a project that includes the development of fixed community signage or publications for widespread community distribution, that are funded by Wildcare and/or include reference to Wildcare and/or include the Wildcare logo, Wildcare Office approval is needed. The recommended way to proceed is to discuss the concept with us first prior to forwarding draft designs to us for approval. We’ll aim to give a speedy turnaround so as not to delay your project!

This approval process does not include your group’s newsletters and reports.

If producing an event poster or a newsletter, we request that you include the Wildcare logo beside your own (if you have one).

NRET approvals are needed for the development of any interpretive signage on NRET managed land or related publications, and it is important to contact NRET to discuss the concept before developing the sign or publication. The Wildcare Office can assist in helping groups make contact with the right person, as needed. NRET sign-off will also be required on completion.

Governance and Insurance

(includes information relevant for external grant applications)

Privacy and cyber security


Biosecurity risk is defined by the likelihood of introducing a pest, weed or pathogen (PWP) and the consequence if it occurred. Where Wildcare activities involve access to higher consequence sites (or species) and involve activities with higher likelihood of a PWP transfer, effective biosecurity controls will be extremely important to implement. A wide range of PWP have the potential to be moved with Wildcare activities. For example contact with infective material accidentally or deliberately may result in contamination often without awareness of the presence of the PWP or the contamination.

Please visit this page for information on Biosecurity and your obligations.

Useful Resources

Volunteering Tasmania has a fantastic resource hub that brings together useful, evidence-based and current best practice resources to support effective volunteer management. Check it out HERE.