Friends of Mt Field

What we are doing

Mount Field Working Bee

Posted 30 Dec, 2014
Tyenna River  20 December 2014 The original plan for the day was to work on the Lake Nicholls track but as we did not finish putting in the plants beside the Tyenna River in November it seemed that our efforts should be directed to completing that task instead. The plants had been obtained through a NRM South grant to replace plants that had died and some for a new area, and it was at this latter location that we concentrated on at this working bee and with a good turnout soon had it finished.   The remainder of the morning was spent removing hollyhock, thistles and mullein near the workshop. Now it must be said that the good attendance is real tribute to the members, because they turned up despite not getting the usual email reminder.  For some reason the email delivery system didn’t work. Lunch was provided by PWS and we were taken to the Eagles Eyrie on the top of the Maydena Range.  This building came as quite a surprise to us as it was large well equipped with a commercial kitchen.  The views were quite spectacular.  Eagles Eyrie was built by Forestry Tas, but was an ill-fated venture that must have cost a packet, and has now been handed over to PWS, who have no use for it.  You could describe it as a first rate white elephant, unless some entrepreneur can make a go of it The report and photos are on the web. Sabine, Adrian and Maraika adding a stake Tyenna River site 2

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