What we are doing

Wildcare Tasmania Special General Meeting

Posted 04 Sep, 2024
The Wildcare Board is proposing some changes to the Wildcare Tasmania Constitution. The proposed changes arise from the new Wildcare membership categories for young people and corporate partners, and the recent review of the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund (TNCF).
  • The membership proposals are intended to introduce a minimum age for voting at our future general meetings, and allow corporate members to vote at these meetings.
  • The TNCF proposals are chiefly driven by the changed regulatory environment applying to our gift fund.
More information on these Special Resolutions is available here: These changes will be voted on at a Special General Meeting being held at Cascade Brewery, Thursday 10th October 2024 at 3:30pm. The Board strongly encourages members to attend and cast your vote. Under the relevant Tasmanian legislation, members must attend in person in order to vote on these proposals. Please RSVP by Thursday 3rd October 2024 via this event link in our Calendar. You are welcome to remain after the meeting to say farewell to our outgoing Member Services Manager Kim Willing (and if you'd like to stay for dinner - please let us know via memberservices@wildcaretas.org.au).

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