The Friends of Stanley Penguins, established in 2023 is a group of volunteers with the aim to help protect the little penguins in the Stanley area. Our group assists visitors at the Godfreys Beach Viewing Platform and educates tourists and locals through interpretation and awareness.


Situated on the Eastern end of Godfreys Beach in Stanley, the raised viewing platform is designed to protect Penguin nesting habitat while providing visitors with an amazing viewing experience. Godfreys beach is a 1.1 km curving beach next to the iconic ‘Nut’.

The best time to arrive is at sunset, if quiet on the platform, the Penguins will emerge from the water when they feel safe to do so.

There are permanent red lights so no need for torches and please do not use flash photography.


Working within a roster, volunteers aim to be at the platform most evenings to provide information, interpret the wildlife and answer any questions that visitors may have. Best Penguin viewing times is from September through to March.


Jenna Huisman at