Wildcare Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund Grants

Key Dates

Monday 2nd September 2024 – Round 2 of 2024 grants opens

Thursday 3rd October 2024 (Midnight) – Applications close

Friday 1st November 2024 – Grant announcements

Please note: If you have a current TNCF grant and wish to submit a new application in the next round of grants, please allow time for your previous project’s acquittal to be submitted and accepted prior to opening of the next round.

To support the care of Tasmania’s natural environment, Wildcare Tasmania Inc. (Wildcare) operates a public fund called the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund (TNCF). Through the TNCF, Wildcare draws together the work of volunteers, organisational partners, and the generosity of philanthropists. The Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund Prospectus provides more information about the TNCF.

We thank all of our donors small and large, for making grants possible by donating to the following cause(s):

Special thanks go to WIRES Australia, Saffire Freycinet, Mountain Air Foundation, The Elsie Cameron Foundation, and Botanical Resources Aust. for their ongoing support of the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund.


Twice yearly, Wildcare invites grant applications for projects that relate to the care and conservation of Tasmania’s wild places and wildlife. Applications are assessed by the Wildcare Grants Assessment Committee, a group of seven highly qualified volunteers who are passionate about Tasmania’s natural environment.  The Committee thoughtfully considers each submission as to the project’s contribution to Tasmanian conservation and suitability for funding from each of the TNCF causes.

How to apply

To be eligible to apply for funding from the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund, the applicant must be a Wildcare group, individual Wildcare member, not-for-profit organisation, established partner, or social enterprise. Applicants must have obtained all endorsements and permits relevant to the proposed conservation project. See the latest TNCF Grant Guidelines.

To assist volunteer wildlife rehabilitators in preparing an application, further details are contained in the TNCF Information for Wildlife Rehabilitators.

All applicants are required to complete the online TNCF Grant Application Form and include copies of all quotations, endorsements, and permits with the submission. The TNCF Grant Application Form will become available when the grant round is open.

Enquiries can be submitted via email to office@wildcaretas.org.au.

Frequently asked questions

How do I become a member of Wildcare Tasmania?

Follow this link – Join Wildcare to become a member. Wildcare members can join Wildcare volunteer groups, apply for funding from the TNCF, and are covered under Wildcare’s voluntary workers insurance when working on approved volunteer projects.

Is there a limit to the amount of funding that I can apply for?

Any limits on funding will be advised at the time the grants round is opened.  In general, the distribution of funding for each grants round is determined by available funds at the time and the assessment of projects.

I am eligible for a grant, does that mean it is likely to be approved?

The Committee considers each individual application carefully, taking into account various factors such as the overall benefit of the completed project to nature conservation, the ability of the applicant to complete the project, and appropriate costs incurred to reach the successful outcome of the project. If your grant application was unsuccessful, feedback will be provided. The TNCF administrators are happy to provide suggestions that may assist you with your application.

Do I need to know which cause of the TNCF that I am applying to? 

No, the Committee will consider which cause is most suitable to fund your project depending on the details contained in the application. If your application is successful, you will be advised as to which cause your funding was granted.

How long do I have to complete my project?

An acquittal report is due within 2 months of completion of the project, and no later than 12 months from the date of your approved grant. If you are having difficulty completing your project within 12 months, you may be able to apply for an extension.

Useful Links

TNCF Grant Guidelines

TNCF Information for Wildlife Rehabilitators

TNCF Grant Application Form

TNCF Grant Acquittal Form

TNCF Prospectus

Wildcare – Board, CEO and Committee

Wildcare – Join Wildcare