What we are doing

Stage 2 of the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund Review - seeking your input!

Posted 29 Apr, 2024
Wildcare Tasmania started reviewing how it operates the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund (its fund for tax-deductible donations) in late 2023. Our first consultation round included an invitation to members for feedback, an online members survey, input from our branch leaders, our review reference group, our office team, the Grants Committee and meetings with some of our key stakeholders. The review team have now considered all of the feedback which was very constructive and as part of this next stage, we are keen to hear your views on the changes that are proposed. The proposals listed below (along with some revised TNCF documentation and proposed amendments of Wildcare’s constitution) have been developed with the overarching aim of ensuring the sustainability and long-term success of the TNCF and Wildcare more generally. These proposals seek to ensure that the TNCF’s governance, policy and administrative arrangements reflect the new regulatory context, are fit-for-purpose, clear, flexible and provide our donors and partners with confidence that the TNCF continues to be a sound investment. There are also several administrative changes designed to improve the grants process for everyone, including the Grants Committee and our small office team. You can send us your views on any aspect to office@wildcaretas.org.au by 5pm Friday 31st May 2024. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us on ph: 03 6165 4230. Following this second round of consultation, the aim is to finalise the revised TNCF documents and proposed constitutional arrangements in consultation with the Review Reference Group before being endorsed by the Board in July, and with everything in place ahead of the Round 2 grant round in September 2024. Thank you for your time, we really appreciate your input. The Wildcare Board.

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