What we are doing

Greatly Appreciated

Posted 22 May, 2016
Saturday 21 May 2016
Several walkers came by, whist we were working on the track to Mount Field East, and had thanks for the work being done and were also most appreciative of the new boardwalk at the start of the track.  In recent days a good deal of rain had fallen and with melted snow was causing a large volume of runoff and it did really make the boardwalk a tremendous boon; It had been installed thanks to a grant from the Foundation for National Parks and Wildlife.
All the water flowing down the didn’t make clearing vegetation easy, but it did show where drains were needed. More vegetation, particularly Bauera, needed clearing than expected and a section had to be left for another time. A few drains were added and they did take a lot of water off the track, some tree limbs were cut and rocks placed in flat wet spots. 
Newly cleared track
One of aims for the day was to check if it would be feasible to add a short section of boardwalk over a wet area a bit further up the track.  A sash of a dozen framing timber is close by and Greg also discovered a stash of 70 or so treads a short distance off the track; all left over from the work done there about 2002-03    We did decide it would be a task that could be undertaken and along with an improved drain would make a big difference.
Adrian making  a drain
The weather was splendid which was especially lucky given the weather over the previous week.
There is a photo album on the web at this link.
Greg sawing through a log fallen over the track

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