Get Outside with Community (South)

What we are doing

'Get Outside' - Connecting new migrants and refugees with nature

Posted 24 Jan, 2024
'Get Outside' is a community group and branch of Wildcare Tas. who facilitate nature-based experiences for refugees and new migrants to Tasmania, to connect to place and to each other. Get Outside has been operating since 2012, taking well over 1,000 refugees and migrants on bush walks, outdoor events and camps and training many young people to become Get Outside leaders. In 2023, they held the inaugural 'Festival of Languages' - an interactive celebration of the intersection of language and nature. The festival brought together over 100 TAFE students from many different cultural backgrounds to experience nature and to capture and record those experiences in many languages - reflecting that nature is our first and shared language. See the full report of the day's activities and photos here. What lovely recognition by Syeda Aimen Jafri of Jodie and the Get Outside Program. They are looking forward to continuing their great work in creative ways this year.

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