What we are doing

Friends’improvements to the Billy Brown Falls Walk, Huon Valley

Posted 30 Nov, 2016
A new Wildcare Inc group ‘Friends of Billy Brown Falls’ (FOBBFs) has just completed its first – and very successful – working bee in the Huon Valley. Billy Browns Falls are located in the Russell Ridge Conservation Area. The short 1.5km walk to the base of the falls starts from Judds Creek Road, 12km from the township of Judbury. Works completed during the inaugural working bee included the installation of boundary signage on the Judd’s Creek Road entrance. Rebranding this former Forestry Tasmania area as Parks and Wildlife Service managed reserved land will hopefully see a decline in anti-social activities in the area that includes wood theft, rubbish dumping and illegal off-road use. The installation of a seat on the apex of the hill along the walking track, clearing windfalls and encroaching vegetation were also completed by the team of seven volunteers. Future projects include assisting Parks and Wildlife to construct a parking area at the start of the walking track and developing plans for a picnic area and information signage. Track work is planned for the start of the walk to exclude vehicles and improve drainage. Evaluation and management of weeds will also be a priority.   billybrown

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