What we are doing

Another new face to Wildcare Board of Management

Posted 26 Jul, 2016
Sally is a keen bushwalker and kayaker and Wildcare volunteering well suits her interest in learning about the natural and cultural history of remote areas of Tasmania while making a contribution to conservation projects. Sally, and her husband Michael, first took up a Wildcare volunteer position as Cape Bruny Lighthouse Caretakers and Observers in 2013. Since then they have been involved in numerous Wildcare projects, including weed eradication on Deal Island, sea-spurge removal on the west coast (SPRATS), Friends of Freycinet working bee and the Orange Bellied Parrot Program (2014-16). Closer to home on the North-West coast Sally is involved with the Ulverstone Coast-care group and the volunteer track-worker program at Cradle Mountain National Park. She is an inaugural member of the newly formed Wildcare Friends of Cradle Mountain. Sally has been a member of the North West Walking Club for 36 years.  Throughout her Primary School teaching career Sally placed an emphasis on developing children’s awareness of the natural world and promoted a responsible approach to caring for the environment. To enhance her teaching skills Sally completed the Landcare for Teachers program designed by the University of Tasmania. Sally was appointed to the Wildcare Board in April 2016. With an interest in ‘Emerging Opportunities’ Sally will be working towards improving Wildcare opportunities for all sectors of the Tasmanian community in a time of changing conservation issues and technological advancement.

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