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A lemonade stand for Tassie Devils!

Posted 05 Oct, 2022
We were recently delighted at Wildcare, when a donation came into the Tasmanian Nature Conservation Fund with the note: "All proceeds from our court lemonade stand." We had to find out more ... here is the story shared by Clare Rawson. Lemonade stall - Victoria "Inspired by the one day of sunny weather in Gippsland and last day of school holidays, 3 lots of neighbours came up with an idea to have a lemonade stand to make money! They picked lots of lemons and oranges; squeezing the oranges by hand. Beanie bears were also up for grabs. They made signs & sticky taped them to poles and fences on the main road. 6 solid hours they spent on the shop floor when they decided to pack it in. Realising that splitting the proceeds was a bit of a downer they came up with the idea to donate it to those that needed it most, the underdog. So, they brainstormed and eventually came up with the tassie devil. With summer just around the corner, I think icy-poles will be the next stall & the challenge to beat $35.00!" It's a great reminder that everyone can do simple things to make a difference and that every act of kindness contributes to great things. Funding from Wildcare's TNCF Tasmanian Devil Cause directly support the research and trials to help the Tasmanian devils fight back from the devastating impact of devil facial tumour disease. This program is yielding great results - watch this space to find out how volunteers can be involved in a vaccine distribution and monitoring system. If you'd like to contribute this important work, tax-deductible donations can be made here. And if you are not yet a member of Wildcare Tas. please consider joining us. Wildcare Tasmania takes a $0 admin fee from donations. We know that a $0 fee is rare and we work hard to maintain this by absorbing our costs within interest earnings. 

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