We are a community of volunteers dedicated to protecting Tasmania’s climbing areas. We acknowledge that our presence in these places has an environmental impact, and that this impact is growing with the popularity of our sport. Our mission is to mitigate that impact, and in doing so to help preserve the places and lifestyle we love. We are achieving this through erosion and weed control, rubbish removal and track maintenance, community education, and respectful dialogues with land managers and owners.

For more info check out our website.

Who we are

We are a community of volunteers dedicated to protecting Tasmania’s climbing areas. We acknowledge that our presence in these places has an environmental impact, and that this impact is growing with the popularity of our sport. Our mission is to mitigate that impact, and in doing so to help preserve the places and lifestyle we love. We are achieving this through erosion and weed control, rubbish removal and track maintenance, community education, and respectful dialogues with land managers and owners. Check out our website for more info.

Where we work

Our initial focus areas are turbunna/Ben Lomond National Park, Cataract Gorge, Trevallyn Nature Reserve, Freycinet National Park, kunanyi/Mount Wellington and Fruehauf, with a long-term goal to expand our reach as our capacity grows.

Get involved

Become a member of Wildcare Tasmania and follow our branch to be kept informed of upcoming volunteer working bees. We also hold regular fundraisers, which are advertised through our Facebook group Crag Care Tasmania.

Get in touch

Have more questions? Want to get involved behind the scenes? You can email us at cragcaretas@gmail.com or check out our website here.

This short video (2mins 50s) will take you into one of our working bees (Duck Reach, Launceston) and show you what we do and why we do it – come join us!