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Care for Tasmania's wild places, wildlife & cultural heritage

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About Us

Wildcare Tasmania is a community of volunteers and donors caring for Tasmania's wild places, wildlife and cultural heritage. Wildcare has almost 60 volunteer groups that members can join.

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We offer inspiring opportunities in beautiful places, working in close partnership with the Tasmanian Government, councils, and private landowners.

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Wildcare Groups

Browse the groups below and sign up to their email list by clicking 'Join this Group'. Join as many groups as you like, it's a great way to find out about opportunities, impact and stories.

Community - 15 Members

Derwent Avenue Group for the Dave Burrows Walk

We are the caretakers of the Dave Burrows Walk which is located on the western side of North West Bay and is southeast of Margate, southern Tasmania. Our group works in partnership with the Parks and Wildlife Service and is allied to Landcare, the Kingborough Council and the Understorey Network.

Flora - 137 Members

Threatened Plants Tasmania

TPT volunteers work with our Partners to conserve, learn and share knowledge about Tasmanian threatened plants. We undertake on-ground recovery actions for priority species by conducting surveys and monitoring to improve knowledge and achieve conservation objectives. Our Vision is for Tasmania's unique and threatened flo...

Community - 113 Members

Wildcare Friends of Wellington Park

The aim of our members is to maintain and enhance the native flora and fauna of the major natural icon of Hobart, Wellington Park and to educate Park users of the high biodiversity values and ways to protect them. The major focus is to halt the spread of weed species and where possible, eradicate. Our work has now expanded ...

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Explore our events

More events
10:15pm - 3:30am
Wellington Park weeding
Weeding land managed by City of Hobart
4:30am - 5:30am
Wildcare Tasmania Special General Meeting
SPECIAL GENERAL MEETING to vote on changes to Wildcare Tasmania Constitution.
10:00pm - 4:00am
Winterbrook Falls and Cradle Mountain working bee
Come and help Parks with priority jobs following winter.
8:30pm - 6:30am
Penguin Cradle Trail Working Bee
Hopefully the winter weather has been kind to the PCT and the days will be pleasant for a working bee.

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