Warm Work

Goat Hills With 8 places for volunteers in the vehicles available it is always going to be unknown if there will be room for everyone, but ton this occasion we had the number to fill the spots and so no one had to walk up the steep track to Goat Hills.   The return trip is […]

Get Outside goes to Fortescue Bay

The Get Outside Wildcare Branch held their first outing of the year to the beautiful Fortescue Bay. Fifty- five people in total came for the day mostly young people aged between fifteen and twenty -five. The day was spent enjoying the beach, each other, walking, burying people in the sand, soccer, swimming and fishing.   […]

Hand Fish Spotted

Wildcare Lumeah Point

Volunteers on the 24th January clean up sighted three Spotted Hand Fish. This is the first occasion they have been seen during our program. We have picked up and returned many Live-bearing Seastars and it is great to know that Pipeclay Lagoon is also supporting the Spotted Hand Fish. Live-bearing Seastar found on a clean […]

Working Bee at Melaleuca

Working Bee at Melaleuca Janet Fenton (Friends of Melaleuca) March at Melaleuca is working bee time. From Friday 20 to Sat 28 the place was a hive of activity for FoM’s 7th working bee. Our Ranger Ian Marmion was whisked away on a helicopter to supervise the dismantling of MONA’s controversial installation near Forest Lag, […]

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