Wildcare Friends of Wellington Park

Two years ago we started work in an area close to the boundary of Wellington Park that was infested with a huge field of Erica.  It was in a valley off Kalang Avenue where part of a hillside that had once been cleared, perhaps for small fruit farming.  It was also somewhat unusual in that the land is owned by the City of Hobart but the land is within the boundary of Glenorchy Council.

Our task was to remove the weeds at the bush edge and within so that they were kept from entering the park.  Fortunately, the Hobart council have now cleared and sprayed the bulk infestation; something that is very pleasing to our group.

On this our fifth foray there we finished off a patch of Erica growing under a dense copse of what may be Leptomeria then checked over the area that we initially worked on.  Not a lot of new plants were found in this latter area and we were able to scout well into the bush and found where a few plants had managed to penetrate.

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Starting the Kalang site work  Alson, Kate  and Kevin

Starting the Kalang site work Alson, Kate and Kevin