On 24 May we had a celebration of Woodvine, and it was a fantastic day. We shared a meal, plus stories, memories and plans for the site. Some items had been taken out of storage for the day, and so delicate needlework, a beautiful clock and a hand-made doll reminded us that life at Woodvine in the past was as much about pleasure and family as it was about hardwork.

Looking forward, we are preparing for the AGM, plus the annual planning meeting with Parks.image001 image002 image003 image004 (1) 

Upcoming works:

  • ongoing weeding.
  • heritage works with PWS in August/September. These should hopefully complete the Catch Up Maintenance Plan from 2007, allowing us to make a new heritage plan that meets the current needs of the site and realistic funding opportunities, etc. As dates and tasks are finalised an invitation to participate will be sent out.